Oxygem Pool Care is an ioniser specialist. We can convert your pool to an ioniser system, advise on achieving optimal results and provide replacement electrodes.The Ionisation process works through copper, a natural algaecide and silver, a natural bactericide. Through electrolysis, the copper and silver in the electrodes are changed from solid metals to soluble ions dispersed into the water.Key features of the ioniser system:
- The control unit has two timers. The main timer controls pump, filter, auxiliary output and the ioniser.
- The second timer controls the actual ioniser running time which gives you control over the effective copper levels for the size of your pool.
- This means the ioniser unit only works as much as is needed, so saves on electricity and extends the life of the electrodes.
- Electrodes are self-cleaning.
- Ongoing, the pool requires a small amount of mild chemicals to support the ioniser process. We recommend an oxidiser.
- Checking of water quality is simple – test kit provided. No more trips to a pool shop to test the water!
For further information contact Oxygem Pool Care on Ph: 0402 386 280